Monday, May 02, 2005

Last week, This week

This last week has resulted in powerful change. I am excited, there is much still to be done - but when people lay down their pride, and agenda's, and busyness - and come together and pray, and choose to be reconciled with each other, and to put their love for one another above their own ambition - that just has to be a God thing.

Much of what we saw these last weeks has been of a nature that I have never seen with my own eyes - only talked about and read in books. Boo-yah. Can't get enough of that.

As I write and reflect on the last fortnight I am reminded of one of my college mentors who recently passed away. He died leaving behind a powerful legacy & ministry of gender, race, and socio-economic reconciliation. It was Eric that helped open my eyes to the nature of the Gospel and the power of reconciliation that must be an inherent part of belief in Our Lord. I am realizing that it has been roughly 6 months since Eric's passing. It was then that I flew down for his funeral at which no fewer than 10 head pastors (of different Churches), Male, Female, Causasian, African-American, Asian -all spoke. It was there that we all worshipped together and celebrated a beautiful, crystalline life - that was as much was a reflection of the nature, and justice, and love of Jesus as maybe any life I will ever encounter.

It was 6 months ago that I was praying at his funeral that all of his ministry would not have been in vain, but would bear fruit long after he left this globe. I prayed that in some small way, I too might have the privilege of carrying on that Ministry of reconciliation. Coincidence? I do not believe in it for a second. Sometimes a seed must go into the earth and die – but only to sleep for a season – and then the Lord raises up fruit from that seed 10 and 100 fold. I do credit Eric, and Harambe, and the ministry at Catalina – those people who walked me through the process and made themselves available to teach me the secrets of the Gospel - with awaking within my spirit the reality that the Blood of Jesus was shed to bring reconciliation – that is the power and the message of the Gospel – pure, sweet, and simple. Once you see it that way – life really just begins to be rich.



Bonikastjames said...

That is so awesome! For me it was Michele's death that motivated a lot of my push for reconciliation. Not in the same sense as you experiencing your friend’s death but that when I felt the loss and the desperate need for community I realized the importance of being honest and sharing with people what you were experiencing. When I turned around and saw that I didn't have the relationships in place that I needed I realized that I had caused part of that by not being honest and direct. It really shows that Life does come from Death! Not always in the way that we would like or expect but God is good and knows more that we do about what we need.

Unknown said...

Once we have greater unity - that is a powerful and effective thing. Once we lay hold of reconciliation - that is a profound spiritual force - like a law of nature. When we are right with God AND our fellow man is when the Church becomes a real change agent in community; redemption, social justice, compassion, healing, human dignity.