Sunday, June 12, 2005

I was just notified by the creativity police that I posted an entry very similar to Sloop's entry about Lola. ( I just wanted to clarify that mine was NO attempt at friendplagiarism at all. I was just staring at my dog and started typing about what he was thinking. Zach and I are very close and I was realizing I had never written about my buddy and his watery, phenylbarbatol ridden little brain with the very big heart.

The fact of the matter is - the saying 'its time had come' is very true - Sloop and myself are just creative geniuses. What can I say? We simply both thought of the perfect blog entry circa the same time unbeknownst to one another. So I started thinking about what Sloop might be thinking at this very moment. I couldn't really think of anything clever since I am not him. So I decided instead to write about what I am thinking. Again, I could not really think of anything. I think my brain-waves are being muted by the sounds of 'Bad Boys' playing in the background. Will Smith may be cute to some, but I think he is only a vaguely amusing formula actor. Not formula in the sense of Brando - because that would be flattery - more in the sense of, well, Will Smith, or maybe that guy in Napoleon Dynamite.


Thursday, June 09, 2005

Replace. New Picture. One of my favorite Helix logos yet. We should have a contest and come up with a cool new 'official' logo for our church. Posted by Hello

Zach Thoughts

I am laying on the floor, worried. Dinner is late. So late. I am losing my senses. I am in a bad way, in fact, I can't feel my legs. I can see one of them and it looks fine, but the rest of my limbs must have gone numb - maybe when I lay on them I can't feel them anymore. I wonder if they are still there? If I can't see them are they still there? How do I know they are not actually gone, its hard to prove anything - especially when there is always someone else who looks exactly like me blocking my view to the mirror. Selfish.

Anyway, I had better walk around and shake this feeling off. My head itches, I wish I hadn't lost my hands during that last nap. Walk around, walk around, shake it off, you're fine. Man, dinner is really late. I AM worried. Don't they KNOW that I have epilepsy? I could die here! Once every twelve hours, I had better sleep, or pace around, maybe I could patrol every room and look for that thing I keep forgetting whenever I think about that other thing and then get distracted by my own state of starvation. What is keeping everybody? Aaaaahhh. I need my dinner!!! Ahhh, 12 hours PEOPLE. I wish I could open my mouth and say something. This place is so oppressive - everybody talks so fast and they only say the things that really matter once in a great while. Things like dinner, and dinner, and treats, and love, and dinner, and poop, and bedtime. Now that's what matters. My head itches. I wish I had hands. Evolution is so unfair.

Zach sleeping. Dreaming about his next meal, or a field of glorious dandelions with endless fields of smelly things hidden in between, like easter eggs. Posted by Hello