Sunday, June 12, 2005

I was just notified by the creativity police that I posted an entry very similar to Sloop's entry about Lola. ( I just wanted to clarify that mine was NO attempt at friendplagiarism at all. I was just staring at my dog and started typing about what he was thinking. Zach and I are very close and I was realizing I had never written about my buddy and his watery, phenylbarbatol ridden little brain with the very big heart.

The fact of the matter is - the saying 'its time had come' is very true - Sloop and myself are just creative geniuses. What can I say? We simply both thought of the perfect blog entry circa the same time unbeknownst to one another. So I started thinking about what Sloop might be thinking at this very moment. I couldn't really think of anything clever since I am not him. So I decided instead to write about what I am thinking. Again, I could not really think of anything. I think my brain-waves are being muted by the sounds of 'Bad Boys' playing in the background. Will Smith may be cute to some, but I think he is only a vaguely amusing formula actor. Not formula in the sense of Brando - because that would be flattery - more in the sense of, well, Will Smith, or maybe that guy in Napoleon Dynamite.



Sloop said...

Actually, attentive readers will note that your post about Zach was posted about 14 hours previous to mine. My post was inspired by / a response to yours. So, credit where it's due, yours was first, I read it and copied it, but adjusted it to be my dog's thoughts.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sloop. Sweet. I never even thought to check the time-stamps. I was suddenly just mortified to think that someone might wonder if I had stolen your idea or something. Bonika has requested cat entries. Do you have a cat? I am speculating because my cat is one of the most unusual and lovably irritating feline's I have ever encountered.


Sloop said...

Naw, cats are not for me. But my dogs love cats... for lunch! HA!

Bonikastjames said...

Day in the life of Atari

Mandalynn said...

As a member of the creativity police I have to say, when did you have time to blog? I mean we were on yard noise patrol the entire evening.

BethInPortland said...

Wierd, sloop and I blogged at the EXACT same time about the Arcade Fire show. Sloop must exert this unknown influence on his friends' blogs...